2024. Zoidis, A.M., Lomac-MacNair, K.S., Anderson, M.E., Day, A, J., Jimenez, E. M. Location Tag Adapted from Fitness Tracker Watch, Tested on Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). Aquatic Mammals 50(6), 580-591.
2025. Todd, S., Robbins, J., Weinrich, M.T, Pastor, N. DenDanto, D., Palsbøll, P.J., and Zoidis, A.M. Examination of Isotopic Signals to Determine Trophic Dynamics and Diet of Gulf of Maine Mysticetes prior to an Oceanographic Regime Shift. In Press. Aquatic Mammals. 51.1 (January 15).
2024. Napoli, C., Hirtle, N.,Stepanuk, J.,Christiansen, F., Heywood, E., Grove, T.J. Stoller, A.Dodds, F., Glarou, M.,Rasmussen, M.,Lonati, G.L.Davies, K.,Videsen, S., Simon, M.J, Boye, T.K., Zoidis, A.M., Todd, S.K.., Thorne, L.H. Drone-based photogrammetry reveals differences in humpback whale body condition and mass across North Atlantic foraging grounds. Frontiers in Marine Science. 11.
2022. Lomac-MacNair, K., S. Wisdom, J.P. Andrade, J. Stepanuk, Andersen, M., Zoidis, A., and E. Esteves. 2022. Large Whale Occurrence in Northeastern Chukchi and Southern Beaufort Seas from Vessel Surveys, 2008 to 2014. Northwestern Naturalist, Autumn, 2022, Vol. 103, No. 2
2022. Jones, L.S., Stephenson, T.A., Zoidis, A.M. and Todd, S.K. Drone Observations of a Mother-Calf Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) Pair Synchronous Feeding in the Bay of Fundy, Canada. Aquatic Mammals. Issue 48(6), 716-719. November 2022.
2018. Lomac-MacNair, K., Zoidis, A.M., Anderson, M. and Blees, M., 2018. Humpback whale calf vulnerability to small-vessel collisions; assessment from underwater videography in Hawaiian waters. Journal of Coastal Sciences, 5, pp.28-36.
2017. Zoidis, A.M. and Lomac-MacNair, K.S. A note on suckling behavior and laterality in nursing humpback whale calves from underwater observations. Animals, 7(7), p.51.
2014. Zoidis, A. M., Lomac-MacNair K.S., Chomos-Betz, A.E., Day, A.J., McFarland, S.A. Effects of Sex, Seasonal Period, and Sea State on Calf Behavior in Hawaiian Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). Aquatic Mammals. Vol. 40 No. 1, 44-58. DOI 10.1578/AM.40.1.2014.44
2012. Handel, S., Todd, S. and Zoidis, A. Hierarchical and rhythmic organization in the songs of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). Bioacoustics. Vol. 21, No. 2: 141- 156.
2010. Smultea, M.A., Jefferson, T.A. and Zoidis, A.M. Rare Sightings of a Bryde’s Whale (Balaenoptera edeni) and Sei Whales (B. borealis) (Cetacea: Balaenopteridae) Northeast of Oahu. Pacific Science. Vol. 64, No. 3: 449–457.
2009. Handel, S., Todd, S. and Zoidis, A. Rhythmic structure in humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) songs: Preliminary implications for song production and perception. Journal of the Acoustic Society of America (JASA). Vol. 125, No. 6, June 2009. Express Letters.
2008. Zoidis, A. M., Smultea, M.A., Frankel, A.S., Hopkins, J.L., Day, A.J., McFarland, S.A., Whitt, A.D., Fertl, D. Vocalizations produced by humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) calves recorded in Hawai‘i. Journal of the Acoustic Society of America (JASA). Vol. 123, No. 3, March 2008: 1737-1746.
2007. Rankin, S., Norris, T., Smultea, M., Zoidis, A. and Rivers, J. A visual sighting and acoustic detections of minke whales, Balaenoptera acutorostrata, in nearshore Hawaiian waters. Pacific Science. Vol. 61, No. 3: 395-398.