Category Archives: News

Vaquita Project Supporters

Cetos and Dr. Tom Jefferson have teamed up to help the Vaquita. Support for the conservation and management efforts for this critically endangered porpoise have come in from many generous donors, grants, and funders, many of whom have made our work entirely possible through their contributions and ongoing support. Funders include SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund, Defenders of Wildlife Organization, the Dolphin Communication Project, the Marisla Fund, the Weyerhaeuser Foundation, World Cetacean Alliance, NozoMojo LLC, and others.

Viva Vaquita

Cetos and Viva Vaquita continue to team with Dr. Tom Jefferson in his efforts to study this highly endangered marine mammal. See our Vaquita page to learn more or to donate directly via Paypal. Recent studies suggest there may be only 30 individuals left. This is a dire situation. Please help our conservation efforts for this critically endangered animals. In 2017, we organized International Save the Vaquita Day (ISTV Day). The venues included 11 aquaria and 10 museums.  There were experts on hand to answer questions, educational demonstrations, seminars, children’s games and events, face-painting, brochures and coloring books, etc.  The primary goal was to make as many people as possible aware of the vaquita and its plight, and spur them to act.  The events were all very peaceful, and respectful of the Mexican fishing culture.  It is estimated that over 56,000 people were directly educated about the vaquita at the various events on ISTV Day 2017, with over 100,000 more educated through social media postings. In addition we participated in a research survey to assess how many Vaquita may be left.